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  • Certified Hypnotherapist

  • Certified Energy Healer

  • Certified Reiki Master/Teacher

Stacy has spent the past 11 + years working in the medical field, with a background in Respiratory therapy, pulmonology, and family practice and is currently a medical assistant with an interventional pain management clinic. 

Stacy was educated in Hypnotherapy at St. John's University, Murrieta CA ( founded in 1970 by E. Arthur Winkler, PhD ).  While performing Hypnotherapy, Stacy crossed paths with world-renowned Hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith, C.Ht,  known for her work in UFO Abduction Research,  Author, and Lecturer, where Stacy has received mentorship and guidance in assisting individuals of PTSD through regressive hypnosis in this field. 

From a young age, I realized that I wasn’t like everyone else. While other children were playing with toys, I was experiencing strange sensations which I now know were interactions with greater powers, so much bigger and stronger than myself. You can only imagine the hardships I overcame throughout my teenage years, realizing more and more that I had a gift that I couldn’t ignore. 

There has been a big shift in Gaia's energy ( Earth's energy ) and our consciousness. This shift is directing my energy and intuitive gifts to ASSIST others in their spiritual development and healing process as well as mine.  I say ASSIST - the truth is we are capable of healing ourselves. I'm just merely a guide/observer - nothing more. Your journey is a small interlinking part of my spiritual journey. Sharing in the collective WE are all energetically and universally connected.  I didn't show up to this party with multiple advanced degrees in the sciences - my knowledge is based on a lifetime of experience, spiritual knowledge and the wisdom that was shared by God The Infinite Creator, Angelic energies, beings of light, and guides through prayer, spiritual gifts and meditation. I am constantly expanding my awareness and understanding. Always seeking more in my spiritual journey and learning to navigate through the highs and lows of this human experience. Throughout my life, many people have floated in during certain seasons of my life, briefly crossing paths and closing the doors to begin new chapters. Those who are meant to be in all seasons remain in my life serving many purposes for me to experience what I am to learn in this life for me to advance in the next. 





~ Dr. Petra Frese 'Intuitive Scientist' and Award Winning Hypnotherapist

Stacy has a connection to the angelic realm and the “other side”. She has many gifts, one of
which being that she connects with those who’ve passed and shares messages with their loved

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